Financial benefits
To both the church and the individuals
Qualifying Dioceses – loan of up to UGX 2bn for Education & health
Qualifying individuals – loan of UGX 500,000 – 30,000,000 for Business investment
Accruals from interest –
1)10% Provincial Secretariat KIDO Office, and any other KIDO related administrative support at the Province, Diocese and parish level
2)15% To the Dioceses for utilisation on Health & Education with guidance by the Diocesan Synod
3)25% To the Parish for utilisation on Education and Health
4)50% to individual deposits as fixed A/Cs in the Provident fund.
Health Benefits
Medical insurance cover and improved Health services
UPMB Insurance Cover
- From (18-80) years
- Basic Package premium – 50,000
- This will cover;
1)1.500,000 on in patient
2)500,000 on out patient
- Classic package premium – 150,000
- 1,000,000 – Outpatient cover
- 2,000,000 – In patient cover
- This is in addition to the payment of a minimum of UGX 50,000 for KIDO membership
ICEA Insurance Cover
- Entry age is From (18-70) years
- Covers three schemes
1.Platinum –
Premium is UGX 3,064,500 for single members per annum and UGX 3,442,250 for marrieds per annum covering up to UGX 300m inpatient, and UGX 6,000,000 outpatient.
- Gold
Premium is UGX 1,045,000 for single members per annum and UGX 1,174,430 for marrieds per annum covering up to UGX 100m inpatient, and UGX 4,000,000 outpatient.
- Silver
Premium is UGX 895,500 for single members per annum and UGX 969,680 for marrieds per annum covering up to UGX 50m inpatient, and UGX 2,000,000 outpatient.
This is in addition to the payment of a minimum of UGX 50,000 for KIDO membership
can access India, Kenya & South Africa for referral
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Uganda, East Africa, India and South Africa